Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Fish Doctor

Tonight Braden had his cousin Hunter over to play and they saw it! Orangey is dead they yell down the stairs. Orangey is what they call the orange fish is Braden's room. I'm like oh no he's not, he's sleeping. No they yell back at me we shook the tank and he's not moving! UGH! Don't look at Orangey anymore he's sleeping! The boys continue on and play with other things, we have dinner, and I forget about Orangey. When its time to settle down and go clean Braden's room it starts up again. The boys every 2 minutes come downstairs to tell Josh and I updates on Orangey.
  • Orangey is dead, he needs to go to the fish Doctor
  • Orangey is not sleeping
  • Orangey needs to go to the fish DR
  • Orangey is bleeding
  • The sucker fish bit Orangey
  • Orangey needs to go to the fish DR
  • We think the sucker fish bit Orangey
  • Orangey NEEDS to go to the fish Dr
This went on every 2 minutes until I insisted Josh go put Orangey in our room until he could go to the fish DR (which is what we told the boys). Thank goodness they think this dead Orangey is going to the fish DR and will be all better. I made sure they did not follow Josh into our room where Orangey is waiting to go to the DR's and Josh flushed him to fish heaven in the seas. So I guess we'll be making a trip to Petsmart tomorrow to pick up a new Orangey! Gotta love a 3 year olds thought process!


Diana Carver Photography said...

Cute. It funny how they get obsessed over things.

Alaina said...

in years you will look back on this and laugh, hehe!