Thursday, November 13, 2008

Brotherly Love

The boys have been playing so good together these days! Blake is really starting to play better with Braden and not get so upset about all the rough housing that goes along with playing with an older brother.

The other day I made Blake mad (what a shocker) and daddy wasn't home to console him, so he goes to Braden and gives Braden the biggest hug. Like save me from mommy! It was so cute! I just laughed and we forgot about why he was mad at me :)


Reid and Brittney said...

So cute!!! My boys are like that now too. I love it!!! They can keep each other occupied for awhile. I love having two boys so close together!! I wish we were still there...the boys would have fun playing with eachother.

Diana Carver Photography said...

I am looking forward to this!!! Braden is such a loving big brother.

Meggs said...

That is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait until my boys can really play together. Your boys looked so cute for Halloween. I can't believe how big Braden is. he looks so tall.

dm said...

What a mean momma you are! Blake is getting so big... It isn't right!

dm said...

btw- I was just kidding about being mean (you knew that I just wanted to make sure!) :)

Alaina said...

they are too cute!

Laura said...

they are so cute!!