Easter snuck up on me so quick this year we didn't start to talk about Easter until a couple of days before. The Easter bunny came to our house and hid the boys' baskets and Easter eggs for all the kids. Braden and Blake searched the entire house and looked in all of their favorite hiding spots for hide and seek for their baskets. They finally found them in our downstairs bathroom shower where the Easter bunny hid them.

Then we had some family over for a yummy breakfast and egg hunt for all the kiddies in our backyard. We let Blake and Tate out for about 30 seconds so they had a shot at getting a few eggs before we released the wolves!

Tyler, Tate, Hunter, Alexis, Jaycie, Blake, Braden
a little hard to get a pic when I place them all with sun in their eyes! (oops)
look at them all! They are all adorable!!!!
Happy Easter ... looks like it turned out to be a fun one! =)
super cute dawn!
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