Thursday, October 9, 2008

Braden the BumbleBee

Braden is a early riser! He usually wakes up between 6 and 6:30AM. Well the other morning he comes in my room at 6:30 and is like momma I'm a bumble bee. I was sleeping! I'm like huh, and he is wearing this bumble bee costume! This was his brothers halloween costume from last year, it is size 12 monhts!! Never a dull moment with this kid!


Kim said...

Sometimes Brooklyn still try's to put on Courtney's clothes. They are so funny. I am glad that you finally joined the blogging world. I was never on myspace and so I never checked in with you. Sorry! But now I can!

Reid and Brittney said...

That is too funny!!! I can't believe he could get that on with it being a 12 month outfit. Haha! I can't believe how much your boys have grown since I last saw them.